Dela Herr
I am from a tree of Rosas and Paulas.
Grew under the help of Samira and Sarah.
I am from 'You can't have everything'
and 'Nobody's perfect'.
I am from Indonesia, Italy and Greece.
I am from Princes and Blonde on Blonde;
grew up with love birds,guinea pig and fish.
I am from Trivial Persute and Barbie girls.
I am from baking cookies, barbecue and paint.
I am from chocolat and mom's best cheese cake.
I am from volleyball, tennis and ballett.
I am from the warmth and
I am from home.
Dela, I love your story the best about where your from because of the different place you grew up from where I grew up. It made me think about different parts of the world. It amazes me how different and how much things are the same in the different parts of the world, from my country. I wonder what would happen if you added more words that are more like vibrant. I wish I could read more about your life and where you are really from.
I love this, because it mentions all important things that give me a good idea of your life. I wonder what would happen if maybe you added a little more. I wish I knew more about your life because reading your poem makes me wonder and want to know more.
I really enjoyed how you mixed the exotic (from princes & far away places) with the more commonplace: barbies, baking cookies & bar-b-que. I wonder what would happen if you added more sensory details to your poem to help flavor all that you are from. Like Rachel & Jordyn, I wish there was more.
I really liked this, you gave a lot of detail and helped me see more of where you are from. I wonder what it would be like if you had more stanzas. I wish you could have added more because i want to know more about where you came from.
I really enjoyed your poem. I think you did an awesome job on describing where you're from. I wonder what it would be like if you added some more imagery. I wish that you had added more so i could get a better grip and more information on where you came from. :)
I loved your poem a lot. I like how we have such different lives and grew up in different places but we had similar things growing up like barbies and barbecues. I wish you wrote more because I think your life is really interesting because it is different from everyone else's around here.
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