Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Congratulations on completing the second week! And there are now only 274 calendar days until graduation (for those of you who might be counting).

Period 1: We saw some interesting presentations today and I think the presenters did a good job of making connections to both our text, other presentations, and the world we live in. I've added Tyler & Mike's presentation to the Ning, and please post your digital portions as well.
I encourage you to continue to think about the importance and relevance of history in today's world and also challenge you to consider how it relates to you.

Period 2: Congratulations on completing your first major test in Senior English. As you begin Doctor Faustus keep in mind the notes and learning you did on Greek tragedy as they will assist you in understanding the format of the play, as well as determining if Faustus is a tragic hero. Check out this link which provides some helpful background information as you begin your reading exploration. Don't forget your personal narrative draft for Monday!

Period 4/5: Our discussion on school days, the WHS Mission Statement and I am the Messenger will continue next week. See what connections you can make and also think about your role in achieving the goals stated in our school Mission Statement. Don't forget to keep working on your War Memorial Project (phase 1).

Have a great weekend, keep reading & writing.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

We are almost finished the second week!

Period 1: We will finish the presentations on 1984 tomorrow after the vocabulary & reading quizzes. Continue to think of the role that censorship plays in control and how propaganda relates to beliefs, and yes, censorship. Also watch for other allusions to 1984 in your media.

Period 2: Today's discussions on tragic heroes and exploration of quotes should help you a great deal on tomorrow's Greek tragedy test. Consider why Oedipus and Antigone are still relevant works in today's society.... Don't forget to work on your personal narrative revision!

Period 4/5: Today's discussion on I am the Messenger raised some interesting points, including how we as people view one another, and the importance of both our self perception and others. Continue to think about the school & education article, as we will spend some time working with it and our mission statement tomorrow after the vocabulary quiz.

As a reminder, I need your email address to invite you to my Ning, and all its fabulous resources.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Tyler

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today was our first reading & writing workshop and I think many of you have the beginnings to your personal narrative essays.
In both first period & second period we will be discussing the Hero's Journey and the below video is an excellent portrayal of how the Hero's Journey has been used in different movies.

The Hero's Journey in Film

Ciaran | MySpace Video