Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Period 1:
Review vocabulary
Present current events
Discuss Korea & A Step from Heaven

Period 2:
Review vocabulary
Present current events
Present Act V of Hamlet & King Lear

Hamlet Act V:

King Lear Act V:

Student soliloquies

Period 6:
Review vocabulary
Present current events
Finish viewing Edges of the Lord
Discussion on morality of choices, degrees of kindness and differences in faith

Thought for the day...
You must do the thing you cannot do.
--- Eleanor Roosevelt


Anonymous said...

Oh no Mrs. Tyler! The videos keep stopping, and they don't have any sound!

Jasmine said...


It might be your internet connection...
The videos appear to be playing fine and I have sound as well.

Let me know if you continue to have problems.