Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Frolic is now going to be on Thursday!!! Dress warm - it is supposed to be highs around 40.

Period 1:
Short discussion on Sunrise over Fallujah - considering the difficulty of identifying the enemy, building community relations and understanding character and society motivations.

Presentations of war memorials - presentations will be uploaded soon - stay tuned.

Period 2:
Finished outlining of characters in King Lear
Understanding and identifying major theme in King Lear and Hamlet
Worked on Act II Presentations - due tomorrow!!

Because of questions raised today and yesterday, I will provide some video clips in class that should offer some assistance. Here are the videos for your review.

Understanding the Double Plot in King Lear:

Section C: The Double Plots. Standard Deviants. 2001.
Discovery Education. 22 October 2008

Understanding Hamlet's

Section C: Hamlet's Character. Standard Deviants. 2001.
Discovery Education. 22 October 2008

Period 6:
Finish colonialism test

Begin work on Kindness Project
Discuss Three Cups of Tea

Thought of the day...
You see things, and say, "Why
?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, “Why not?”
— George Bernard Shaw
What do you "dare to dream"? (#2 on Rachel's Challenge)

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