Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Period 1:
Present Individual Reading Project
Begin Hamlet Act I

Period 3:
Work on individual debate topics - Research & prepare argument

Period 5:
Work on research essay draft

Period 6:
Present All Quiet diaries
Review vocabulary
If time permits, Shakespeare research

Today's thought to ponder...
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Consider this quote and why we study world literature. How do they relate? (HINT: you may see this quote and question at a future date...)


Anonymous said...

Mike Krzyzewski - "The truth is that many people set rules to keep from making decisions."

I think that Mr. Krzyzewski was absoloutely right when he said this, for the most part, but theres more to it. Personally, when I give myself rules, its more for my benefit. I give myself rules to live by so I dont mess up. If i know I need help in a certain area of my life, I'll give myself rules. Like if i have a weakness, I'll put up some rules. Then there are those other times, when I dont want to face a decision I have to make, so I go by rules, so I can deal with them later. I never realized I did that though. I think it's all in the situation.

Anonymous said...

I think that Mike Krzyzewski is so right. I know that I have set rules for myself so that I can make as few mistakes as I can. I think that in most things I do I have rules, sometimes you don't realize it but I think you actually do, in everything you do you have something telling you to do something and it is just something you live by but don't always notice because you are used to it.