Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Did you know?

The other night I was driving home and NPR (National Public Radio) did an intriguing broadcast discussing Scarlett O'Hara, the issues of race, feminism and the message of survival. Apparently it was part of a series about fictional American characters "who have captured something about who we are. Our human frailties. Our need for comic relief. Our darkest corners." and perhaps inspired you. The challenge is to craft an essay, in 150 words or less, describing the character and why you believe he or she is important, compelling and/or provocative.

Points your essay might include: Why does the character intrigue you, specifically? What's universally appealing about him? What does she reveal about human nature? Did this character capture the psyche of a particular generation, inspire other characters or coin a phrase? Has this fictional person changed someone's life — maybe even your own?

I urge you to check out the blog: http://www.npr.org/blogs/incharacter/in_character_conversation/
it is really fascinating and includes characters from Jack Bauer (yes, of 24) to Holden Caulfield (Catcher in the Rye).
Who would you nominate? What would you say?

SPOILER ALERT: this will be an assignment coming soon to Mrs. Tyler's classroom.

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