Friday, April 29, 2011

Dela's Publish or Perish 4-29-11

Dela Herr


I am from a tree of Rosas and Paulas.
Grew under the help of Samira and Sarah.
I am from 'You can't have everything'
and 'Nobody's perfect'.
I am from Indonesia, Italy and Greece.
I am from Princes and Blonde on Blonde;
grew up with love birds,guinea pig and fish.
I am from Trivial Persute and Barbie girls.
I am from baking cookies, barbecue and paint.
I am from chocolat and mom's best cheese cake.
I am from volleyball, tennis and ballett.
I am from the warmth and
I am from home.

Friday, April 29, 2011 - Publish or Perish

Please remember to comment on everyone's blog!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Creative Writing - Publish & Perish 4/15/2011

For those of you making blogs, please comment with your blog address. For those of you posting to my blog - please comment and we'll give you feedback on the comment page!
